Minibox is a free 3 column blogger template created by James William that was heavily based on the popular Minima template. This template is an XML based. The code uses here is very similar to the structure of the Minima template. It is almost identical in variable names and section identifiers so that people can be familiar with it to modifying the Minibox template code. Minibox is completely compatible with Blogger's drag-and-drop layout manager.
I love this template but as I see and experience this template has three major problems. So I try to correct those errors and made good solutions for that. And it comes out so great. I also added some features to this template. But if you don't want the added features just remove it in the Layout Manager. So enjoy.

Problems that Minibox 3 Column has:
You can download the Minibox 3 Column Modified here.
Problems that Minibox 3 Column has:
- You can't upload it, if you try to upload it some errors occured.
- You can't add gadget between the header and the templates body.
- The codes is not full coded.
- You can upload it directly.
- You can add gadgets between the headers and the templates body.
- The code is fully coded for modification.
- Navbar has been remove
- Google Translate Widgets
- Live Traffic Feed Widgets
- No Right Click Widgets
- "Post Title | Blog Title" SEO Trick. (Click the image to enlarge it)
- "Read more posts filed under + Labels Name" Widget tags. (Click the image to enlarge it)
- "Blog Title" Widget tag. (Click the image to enlarge it)
- Show a "Related Posts" below each of your posts. Related Posts will only appear in your single posts page. It will not appear in your homepage. (Click the image to enlarge it)
You can download the Minibox 3 Column Modified here.